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Abby Successfully Represented an US Client to Recover the Payment by Settlement with a China Company
Though Married Oversea, Larry and Abby Successfully Represent a Foreign Client Get Divorced in China
Attorney Abby Successfully Represented a HK Client Won a Loan Case Worth 30 Million Yen
Goods Being Withheld Half a Year, Larry Assisted French Buyer to Get Goods Back from China Factory
Larry Successfully Represented an American-Invested Company in GZ to Resolve a Labor Dispute
Larry Zhou Successfully Assisted a Congolese Buyer Smoothly to Achieve Machine Withheld by Seller
Abby Wang Represented a HK Client in Winning a Lawsuit on the Validity of the Arbitration Agreement
Lawyers Larry and Abby Represented US Company Won 2rd Trial in International Goods Sales Dispute
Lawyer Abby and Sara Represented a Malaysian Client to Obtain Court Grant of Divorce in China
Within One Month, Larry Successfully Represented Indian Buyer Smoothly Get Goods Withheld by Seller
Attorney Abby Represent a British School Deal With Reputation Damage Dispute and Reached Settlement
Attorney Abby Represented a Canadian Company to Win Litigation and Suppliers should Jointly Refund
Assist a US company in obtaining exclusive distribution right for vending machine produced in China
Masks Sold Without CE, Landing Lawyer Recover Over $110,000 for Irish Client Through Mediation
Larry Successfully Recovered over $1 million Commission for a Foreign Client from Chinese company